RVW’s proposal ‘Places of Solidarity in Public Space’, in collaboration with LAVA architects and Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen, has been selected as one of the three research projects for the BWMSTR Label by the Flemish Government Architect and the Flanders Architecture Institute.
For the sixth year in a row, the Flemish Government Architect – again in close cooperation with the Flemish Architecture Institute – has been looking for strong spatial concepts and integrated research questions that can make a positive social difference.
Ruimteveldwerk, LAVA architects and Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen explore together what a spatial concept for a ‘place of solidarity‘ in the public space can mean. The current issue of ‘transmigration‘ conveys a concrete starting point here.
We view transmigration as a symptom of the larger geopolitical and social changes that manifest themselves in our public space. It is a very visible problem that shows itself in a physical-spatial manner in that public space. From the architectural discipline, we have to work spatially for a more humane reception of people in precarious situations. By departing from transmigration, we deliberately opt for one of the most vulnerable and complex groups out there. We do not see their temporary presence as ‘a problem’ but as the starting point of a question.The project will be carried out starting from a spatial study of the arrival infrastructure, which is usually distributed throughout the city, in order to arrive at a spatial concept for ‘places of solidarity’ in the public space.

Infographic of the mapping phase: three scale levels of solidarity initiatives. Places of solidarity are not only urban phenomena, they can also be found in the context of a village or a rural environment. We were introduced to different types of existing initiatives and the way they functioned. Through site visits and interviews with various initiators we met with experts in the field. They offered us insight in how these infrastructures operate and made the link with broader user groups.
An example of such an arrival infrastructure is a ‘humanitarian hub’ like the one in the Brussels-North Station. (1) What can such a hub teach us about developing a place of solidarity in public space? How can such a place of solidarity build a bridge between various (local) groups and different collective functions? It can be a place that facilitates shared needs and requirements and stimulates coming together, a place where temporary presence leads to permanent infrastructure. Arranged as superdiverse collective and shared spaces, these places cope with and shape the increasing migration realities of our cities and municipalities. Our proposal requires a broadened scope to include, for example, growing groups of newcomers and European guest workers, as well as the local population in general.
(1) “Humanitarian hub is an initiative of a civic platform and civil society organizations. This hub forms a reception and care network where low-threshold services are provided and basic needs are met.”
Civic platforms and civil society organizations have already proven that they can join forces to organize a humanitarian hub, for example. It is therefore necessary to give these initiatives a place in the public space. The role of a local and national government in contributing to sustainable and humane answers is of course not unimportant as well.
![In cooperation with KU Leuven research group (Department of Architecture), RESEARCH[X]DESIGN, the needs and experiences of various stakeholders of 'places of solidarity' (here: Maximilian Park) were mapped out and user profiles were drawn: people on the run, (semi-)professional caretakers, local residents, volunteers and other local users of aid (e.g. homeless people). These ‘personas’ provide insight into important design challenges and a guideline during the design process for various actors.](http://ruimteveldwerk.be/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/4_personas_Maximilian-Park.png)
In cooperation with KU Leuven research group (Department of Architecture), RESEARCH[X]DESIGN, the needs and experiences of various stakeholders of ‘places of solidarity’ (here: Maximilian Park) were mapped out and user profiles were drawn: people on the run, (semi-)professional caretakers, local residents, volunteers and other local users of aid (e.g. homeless people). These ‘personas’ provide insight into important design challenges and a guideline during the design process for various actors.
‘BWMSTR Label 019’ in the news & ‘on the road’:
– DESINC LIVE: Practices of Urban Inclusion, Brussels on 25.06.2022 (EN)
– Festival van de architectuur, Oostende: talks: ’t Is e babbellette ‘In transit’ on 16.10.2021 (NL)
– Pompidou, Radio Klara on 12.10.2021 (re-listen online from 00:49:20) (NL)
– Festival van de architectuur: interview “Van een stad een thuis maken” (NL)
– S AM Swiss Architecture Museum, Basel (i.c.w. Future Architecture Platform): international symposium: ‘The Space We Share‘ on 19.06.2021 (EN)
– Future Architecture Platform: Call for ideas 2021 (EN)
– Ruimte 46 (VRP): Solidaire plekken in de publieke ruimte (NL) (download here the article as pdf)
– Vlaamse Vereniging voor Ruimte en Planning (VRP): Duo lecture ‘De Nieuwe Ruimtemakers, Plekken van aankomst’ on 18.03.2020 online duo lecture on 06.05.2020 (NL)
– NAV: “We willen solidariteit een plaats geven in de stad” (NL)
– Atelier Bouwmeester: Publieksavond ‘SmallTalk 35’ on
– Research[x]Design (KUL): New postdoc project explores alternative briefing techniques (EN)
– Pre-Triënnale Brugge 2019: Ontmoeting met… solidariteit (watch the conversation here online) on 28.07.2019 (NL)
– Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie: RVW op de Bruss-it XL inspiratiedag on 09.05.2019 (NL)
More about Bouwmeester Label:
Our partners:
LAVA architecten
Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen (Flemish Refugee Action)
Research[x]Design (research group at the Department of Architecture at KU Leuven)